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Traction Kit

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Traction kit final 1

Traction Kit

25 or 30" Winter track traction kit. The traction kit offers you superior traction and a high standard of comfort for the times when you really need it.

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Soucy Track Grooming New Holland 335 retouche avec marque 2
How do I install the traction kit on the track system?

No changes are necessary to install the traction kit on your track system. Installation takes less than two minutes per module and you need to install four modules per track system (only on the rear tracks). You will find detailed explanations for each of the steps to follow in the Soucy User Guide.

On what track system models can the traction kit be installed?

The traction unit can only be installed on the S-TECH 600GX track system used for winter trail maintenance. It is installed only on the rear tracks.

Can I drive on the road with the traction kit?

The traction kit should be used for extreme conditions and for a very short period of time. We strongly recommend that you do not drive on roads with the traction kit installed. It should not be used for regular trail maintenance conditions.

Can the traction kit damage my track system?

The traction kit does not damage the track system, since it is not screwed onto the track and should only be used as a temporary solution.